Termite Identification & Prevention

What are termites?

Termites are wood-destroying insects, the most common type of termite in North America are subterranean termites. Outdoors, they nest underneath the ground and, while on the quest to develop their colony, they seek out any viable source of wood – including your home.  In nature, termites are beneficial as they speed up the decomposition of decaying trees and plants; however, inside homes and other buildings, termites are destructive.

a termite infestation in a wooden structure inside of a home in south bend indianaTermites are social insects, living and working together to maintain their colony. Their complex social structure allows them to divide themselves into three different groups, or castes: workers, soldiers, and reproductives.

Worker termites
Workers make up the largest group of the colony. They are responsible for tunneling through wooden structures to gather cellulose to bring back to feed the colony.

Soldier termites
Soldiers are the largest members of the termite colony. They use their large, powerful jaws to protect the colony from threats.

Reproductive termites
Reproductives are fertile females and males that sprout wings and perform mating flights in the spring. They are the only members of the colony that are winged.

Are termites dangerous?

Termites are considered dangerous due to how destructive they can be to property. Termites pose no direct threat to people and, in fact, rarely ever come into contact with people; however, termites are responsible for causing more than five billion dollars in damage to structures across the country each year. Adding even more insult to injury, their damage is not typically covered by homeowners insurance.

In addition, termites are difficult pests to deal with. They enter properties unseen, and have the ability to work undetected for weeks, months, or even years. The presence of termites is often only discovered once they've caused extensive damage.

Why do I have a termite problem?

Termites are on your property because it is providing what they need to survive - moisture and materials made of cellulose to feed their colony. Termites often find their way onto a property during a termite swarm. A termite swarm is when reproductives “swarm” from a mature colony to find mates and start a new colony of their own.

Termites find their way into homes while foraging for food. They travel through the soil and make their way through cracks in the foundation of homes or through wood siding, deck supports, or porch steps. Once inside your home, they are attracted to wood that has been previously damaged by water. They don’t live in the tunnels they create. Instead, they travel back and forth from their food source to their nests daily. Their nests may be located on your property or on a neighboring property.

Where will I find termites?

Outside, subterranean termites create their nests in the ground, underneath moist, rich soil. Inside homes and other buildings, termites tunnel through and feed on structural wood. If the infestation is allowed to continue and develop, termites will begin to feed on non-wood items like structural supports, flooring, wooden trim, insulation, plastic plumbing pipes, sub-flooring, brick, and cement.

How do I get rid of termites?

The only way to keep yourself protected against destructive termites is through a professional, dedicated service. At Termishield, our certified service technicians provide outstanding termite control solutions to completely eliminate your current termite problems, and prevent future problems with these wood-destroying pests.

The local pest experts at Termishield are dedicated to using the latest scientific techniques and up-to-date products, practices, and procedures to get rid of and control termites and other household-invading pests. To learn more about ridding termites from your property, or to schedule termite control services, call Termishield today.

How can I prevent termites in the future?

In addition to our residential pest control and commercial pest control services, here are some termite prevention tips:

  • Place a stone barrier (12-18 inches) between your home's foundation and any mulch or soil.

  • Rid your property of fallen trees, tree stumps, and other organic debris.

  • Clean your gutters regularly.

  • Install a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels in your home.

  • Repair leaky pipes, faucets, or fixtures located inside or outside of your home.

  • Install weatherstripping around windows and doors to keep water from backing up and seeping into your home’s walls.


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